Love Liberated is a collective focusing on the intersection between sexual well-being, QTBIPOC identities, and the Sacramento community.

We take steps toward challenging the sexual notions that choose to put QTBIPOC as an afterthought. We aim to create a space for individuals to find safety, community, liberation, and healing through self exploration.

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Our 3 Pillars

We create spaces committed to the sexual liberation of QTBIPOC folx. Unapologetically. Using these three pillars.


Through play and expression, we can expand our minds to different ways of thinking and learning. We introduce innovative and creative ways of getting in touch with our sexuality.


We aim to create open spaces to learn about different aspects of self surrounding sexuality, health, self-understanding, and resources.


Providing spaces to process sexuality through therapeutic and culturally competent practices such as healing circles, somatic practices and more.

Why Sexual Liberation for QTBIPOC?

Considering the vast diversity of our city and how systems of power, privilege, oppression, and bodily autonomy intersect, we hope to empower all QTBIPOC to have access to sexual liberation and have tools to shift stigmatizing culture within our communities. With this, we can reduce adverse sexual health outcomes and increase community wellness while celebrating Queer and Trans joy. We want it to be acknowleged that if this Queer and Trans folx of color can reach liberation, we all can reach it.

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